
3 PR elements set to stick around

It has become a trend for industry expects to look into the crystal ball and predict the future of their respective industry. Out of this exercise usually comes things that are likely to change or affect the way things are to be done going forward.

This has become a standard feature towards the end of or the beginning of a year; of late I have seen a quarterly one. For example, a look at three trends that may shift the way things are done in a quarter we are moving into, or what changed in the previous one.

I thought it would be different to look at three PR elements that have stood the test of time and the barrage of new age tactics over the years and show no signs of relenting.

The Press Release: Has lived through the evolution of information sharing and is still the primary source for many PR professionals and journalists. In fact, it has even found its way into bloggers’ inboxes. This form of information sharing still does the trick and looks to be around for a long time to come; granted it needs to reform to incorporate visuals and other attention-grabbing tactics.

It is the quality of what is shared and how it is packaged that has changed over time. Storytelling is and remains fundamental to where your press release ultimately ends. Either in the following day’s publication or file 13.

Patience: One element of PR that can never be changed is that it requires time. Time to convert people, and to negotiate consistently. Planning, preparing and pitching takes time, creativity and a lot of work. A lot of time goes into creating a relationship with the media and the mutual professional respect that needs to be exercised, as opposed to demanding a headline within a two-hour notice period.

Client Education: While the world changes at a fast pace, it is up to the PR professional to take the client on the learning journey with them. Education and re-education of clients is essential and this is where your consultancy will show value in the insight you are able share with client.

These are three elements of PR I believe will have staying power for a long time to come. What else do you think will outlast trends and the rapid changes the industry is going under, only if for a while?

Thandukwazi Gcabashe is a senior account executive at WE South Africa

April 22, 2016