Melissa Waggener Zorkin at PRCA International Summit
SOURCE: https://www.prca.org.uk/event/4673
Melissa Waggener Zorkin at PRCA International Summit 2021
When: March 31, 13:50 GMT
Where: Virtual – Register Here
The New Leadership Principle: Inside is the New Outside
Leaders in every culture are managing multiple simultaneous crises, from the ongoing global pandemic and climate change to the urgencies of social and racial injustice. Staying out of it is no longer an option, as the days of C-level disconnection are over. More and more brands are being driven by employee engagement and activism, a call to respond to global crises with true social impact and community engagement. WE Communications Global CEO and Founder Melissa Waggener Zorkin will share what’s expected of brands in today’s hyper-connected world where communicating with values must happen at every level, whether speaking to consumers, employees, or the communities in which you do business. She will inspire the audience to embrace this new approach to leadership — at every level, internally and externally — to thrive in our moment of disruption.
With: Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Global CEO and Founder