How Leaders are Innovating in Real-Time to Lead with Purpose
SOURCE: https://sabre.provokemedia.com/am/index
How Leaders Are Innovating in Real-Time To Lead With Purpose
panel at PRovoke North America Summit & Innovation SABRE Awards 2021
When: 12:30pm EST on Wednesday, February 24
Where: Virtual at the PRovoke NA Summit
With: Hannah Peters, Executive Vice President of Corporate Reputation & Brand Purpose
About: Navigating multiple and concurrent crises is our new norm. Charting a way through this disruption toward elusive recovery will require a transformative approach to leadership. Join McDonald’s Senior Director, External Communications, Molly McKenna Jandrain, WE’s Executive Vice President of Corporate Reputation & Brand Purpose Hannah Peters, and PRovoke Media for a candid conversation about how leaders must tackle issues like the pandemic, climate change and social injustices head-on by finding new ways of operating, communicating and even changing how we show up. The discussion will be informed by newly released research that uncovers how brand leaders are innovating in real-time to elevate their ability to lead with courage, authenticity and purpose. You’ll walk away from this dynamic and engaging experience ready to face what’s next with a renewed and inspired perspective on the business of leadership.