Companies face a world of constant change and mounting demands. People want their favorite brands to remedy pressing societal problems, but they’re increasingly skeptical that they’re delivering. The Bravery Mandate: Make It Real is a roadmap showing brands how to prove that their commitments are real, and that their actions will have lasting impact.

For the sixth year, WE Communications has partnered with YouGov on Brands in Motion research to quantify how brands can navigate a world in constant motion, to date surveying more than 100,000 consumers and business decision-makers. This year's Brands in Motion report finds that the brands that will thrive in 2022 and beyond are the ones with the courage to put real muscle behind their purpose commitments.


  • In difficult times, people are looking to brands for solutions, but they are increasingly skeptical that they're delivering on their values-led commitments. They want brands to share their entire purpose journey and deliver clear metrics and tangible results.
  • In 2022, cost of living is the top priority for both consumers and employees.
  • Transparency is paramount. People expect brands to be open about their purpose progress, even if results fall short of their initial expectations.
  • People want brands to focus more attention on solving practical problems that impact their daily lives, while also keeping their eyes on long-range goals.
The Bravery Mandate: Make it Real Brands in Motion 2022



Every year, WE partners with YouGov to quantify a world in motion and understand how brands can navigate it.

Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Global CEO, breaks down our latest global report.


Brand Purpose is a Must-Have—For Today's Bottom Line and Tomorrow's Legacy

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Only HALF of companies that have made purpose commitments are seen as delivering on them.

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The No. 1 area where brands must accelerate their efforts: cost of living. 

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59% to 41% is the ideal balance of practical to ambitious goals

Before Brands Try to Save the World, They Need to Look In Their Own BackYards

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74% say brands should be transparent when informing the public about the actions they're taking in response to current and emerging issues in society. 

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The No. 1  reason people become skeptical of brands' values-led commitments: lack of data.

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The TOP 3 places for brands to sustain investments in the face of economic constraints: employee well-being, income and employment opportunities, access to health care. 


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