Mail & Guardian: Employee Engagement Essential to Go Green
Why Keeping the Traffic Lights On is Good for Employee Engagement
Local companies may be missing a major opportunity for employee engagement in their quest to go green, according to WE's latest research.
Mail & Guardian, 19 July, 2023
Those of us who have experienced Joburg traffic during load-shedding understand just how clever it's been for companies like Investec and Vodacom to offer up their generators to power key intersections during power cuts. Not only have these brands been able to solve a key challenge within their respective communities, but they've done so in a way that's very visible to clients and even more importantly their employees, who previously would lose valuable time queuing at those exact lights every morning.
WE's latest study, Winning the Battle Against Green Fatigue, reveals a major missed opportunity for organizations blazing a trail in the sustainability space. Read more on Mail & Guardian and download WE's latest report for more ways to bring your employees along for your organization's sustainability journey.