New Health Report: Unlocking Physician Prescribing Power
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1887912/communications-study-shows-reputational-factor-drug-decisions
WE Communications Study Shows Reputation Factor in Drug Decisions
PRWeek, Jonathan Owen, 11 September, 2024
Corporate reputation plays a significant part in which drugs doctors decide to prescribe to patients, according to a global study released by WE Communications, Reputation Rules: Unlocking Physician Prescribing Power.
As Stephanie Marchesi, president of WE Global Health explained, “As a natural extension of our Brands in Motion health report form the previous year… We now unequivocally know that reputation – be it at the disease-specific level or at the corporate level – is a bottom-line business driver.”
Physicians Rank Pharma Corporate Rep as Top Factor in Prescribing Decisions
Medical Marketing and Media, Jack O'Brien, 10 September, 2024
Source: https://www.mmm-online.com/home/channel/physicians-pharma-corporate-rep-prescribing-decisions/
Building on WE’s 2023 report, the latest Brands in Motion study finds that corporate reputation is a critical driver for healthcare provider (HCP) prescribing behaviors when treatments have similar profiles.
Ultimately, a drugmaker’s reputation is a key differentiating factor among HCPs, even more so than relationships with pharma sales reps.
Docs Influenced by Disease-Specific Leadership, Corporate Reputation When Prescribing: Survey
Fierce Pharma, Nick Paul Taylor, 10 September, 2024
Physicians consider more than what a drug does when making prescribing decisions. They also look at who is behind the therapy. WE’s latest report found physicians are influenced by disease-specific leadership and corporate reputation when choosing which drug to use. These findings come from 540 physicians across six markets, drawing a link between corporate reputation and prescribing decisions.
To learn more about what drives prescribing habits, download the Reputation Rules: Unlocking Physician Prescribing Power report today.
(Photo courtesy of PRWeek)