The Hard Reset On Office Centricity: The Big Disconnect
SOURCE: https://www.provokemedia.com/agency-playbook/sponsored/article/the-hard-reset-on-office-centricity
Bold Leaders Can Rethink The Meaning Of Work By Rethinking The Meaning Of The Office
Kass Sells, WE's COO and President of International, Discusses the Disconnect Between Leaders and Stakeholders
PRovoke, 30 September 2021
Some leaders I speak to mention getting "back to normal" or "back to the office" or the importance of "doing things in person." One said she'd go on a tour of North American offices and demand senior staff come in for face-to-face meetings. Others talk about bringing their full workforces back to the office as soon as possible. Talk to people outside leadership, though, and you hear a different story: "I get so much more done working remotely. I'm through commuting an hour each way five times a week. The flexibility has helped me be more present with my family. I need a better reason than 'office culture' to take the train in and sit behind my desk all day."