PRWeek: How PR Pros Are Testing ChatGPT and AI
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1810757/a-starting-point-creativity-pr-pros-testing-chatgpt
A Creative Starting Point for communicators
WE's Mark Houlihan, EVP weighs in
PRWeek, Ewan Larkin, 19 January 2023
When Facebook launched in February 2004, it took the platform roughly 10 months to amass 1 million users. Nearly two decades later, OpenAI's ChatGPT achieved the same feat in just five days.
AI chatbots like ChatGPT have quickly become all the buzz in the PR and communications industry. In an industry so keenly concentrated on emerging platforms, PR executives are dipping their toes into ChatGPT's uncertain, yet exciting waters. But where do they even begin? In an interview with PRWeek, WE's Mike Houlihan, EVP, asks the question: "How can communicators add value?"
(Photo Courtesy of PRWeek)