PRWeek: AI: An Ethical Conversation with WE's Matt Ashworth
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1828207/ai-ethical-conversation
Proper and Effective AI Implementation Must Include a Strict Adherence to Ethical Standards
PRWeek, 29 June, 2023
WE's SVP, technology and GM, Seattle Matt Ashworth and Archer & OkCupid's director of brand marketing and comms Michael Kaye sat down with PRWeek to discuss communicators' key role in meeting this AI mandate.
"Communicators must be good advocates for the proper use of AI," asserts WE's Matt Ashworth in kicking off this podcast. "We need to use the technology in a way that puts humans at the center."
Throughout the podcast, Kaye and Ashworth speak tactically on topics such as data security, avoiding bias, the signs to look for to tell you that you can trust the information AI is gleaning and more. Listen to the complete podcast below and download WE's latest AI report, "Fascinated and Frightened: How Are Communications Professionals Viewing the AI Opportunity Ahead?"
(Photo courtesy of PRWeek)