PRWeek: How Comms Teams Can Help Fight Ransomware
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1722465/comms-teams-help-fight-ransomware
Comms Pros From Google, APCO, and WE Communications Provide Key Action Steps
Scott Love, SVP of Technology at WE Communications, Gives Proactive Pointers.
PRWeek, 16 July, 2021
(Photo courtesy of PRWeek)
Several notable ransomware attacks have occurred in the U.S. over the last couple of months, serving as a reminder that comms pros must be prepared for such an event at their own organization.
PR pros shared with PRWeek the following best practices for comms teams to counter cybersecurity threats.
Kaylin Trychon, Global Communications & Public Affairs, Cybersecurity Communications Leader, Google
Bob Winslow, Senior Director of Technology and Disruption, APCO Worldwide
Scott Love, SVP of Technology, WE Communications