PRWeek: Pride in PR Featuring Michelle Rose Micor
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1877393/pride-pr-michelle-rose-micor
PRWeek's Pride in PR Recognizes 30 Inspirational LGBTQ+ Communications Professionals
PRWeek, 20 June 2024
We're proud to see WE's Michelle Rose Micor featured in PRWeek’s “Pride in PR” series discussing insights about working in the comms industry as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. As Michelle says, “It’s vital for young PR professionals to see themselves reflected in leadership roles. I didn’t have any queer mentors until my current job, and it’s made such a difference for me professionally and personally.”
Read the full interview on PRWeek and check out Michelle's blog "I'm at WE Because of Inclusive Benefits. Here's Why."
(Image Courtesy of PRweek)