PRWeek: Train for a Marathon and Prepare to Sprint
SOURCE: https://www.prweek.com/article/1736848/when-comes-purpose-train-marathon-%E2%80%94-prepare-sprint
Brands Must Develop Purpose Platforms with Long-term Endurance and Agility to Respond Quickly, says Hannah Peters, EVP
PRWeek, Hannah Peters, 06 January 2021
I’ve been a runner since my early teens, through every changing phase of life. One thing that hasn’t changed? My pace. Whether it’s a marathon or a 10K, I’ve always been most comfortable at a steady nine-and-a-half-minute mile. I know that sprints and speed training make me a better distance runner, but I still resist incorporating them into my routine.
I see a similar type of resistance to step outside established comfort zones — to “sprint,” so to speak — in many of the clients I’ve counseled. Most leading brands have embraced the necessity of addressing societal challenges like climate change, racial equity and economic hardship. They understand the “long-distance race,” the need to create enduring policies and programs that support business objectives and drive positive social change.