L1 Capital’s Breakout IPO
L1 Capital
In a tough media landscape, WE Communications helped tell the story of L1 Capital's IPO across earned, digital and social media
L1 Capital’s Long Short Fund, one of the largest LICs, was looking to enter the Australian market and list on the ASX. In a year filled with disappointing IPOs that left the market flat, L1 required a media and digital campaign that would capture attention, with a particular focus on retail and SMSF investors.
WE developed and implemented an integrated communication strategy across media and digital. WE aimed to profile the expertise of the investment managers and articulate how their investment processes contributed to a historically strong performance.
The program was designed to have a steady stream of content and media throughout the IPO offer period, supporting the efforts of the lead advisor and broker syndicate. It included:
- A comprehensive media campaign targeting mainstream business, personal finance and investment industry publications.
- A rich content video campaign for digital channels, including a paid LinkedIn campaign featuring a series of investment insights from the L1 team.
- Social posts and EDM marketing content prepared for the fund, advisory team and broker syndicate.

The story of L1 Capital’s IPO stood up in a tough media landscape, and the IPO itself surpassed expectations, raising more than $1 billion. Other results included:
- Earned media: Extensive coverage, including a profile piece in the AFR and a profile article syndicated across the personal finance sections of News Limited mastheads.
- Digital: The video campaign included placements in LiveWire and ShareScene, which delivered above-industry engagement rates. The first two Livewire videos alone counted over 5,000 views, more than double of other Livewire videos.
- Social: 11,974 impressions from the paid LinkedIn campaign and an engagement rate of 1.1% (versus the average LinkedIn campaign engagement rate of 0.054%).
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